Riptide pro 2.5 keygen
Riptide pro 2.5 keygen

In both North and South, Riptide exhibits great winter performance for colour retention, frost and disease tolerance as well as summer stress tolerance in hotter regions. It’s a fine-leaved, creeping bentgrass adapted to European climatic conditions. Riptide is a top ranked variety in the UK, Nordics as well as the NTEP listings.

  • Mow at 2.5 -10 mm, depending on turf use.
  • Irrigate deeply and infrequently in absence of rainfall more lightly and frequently for overseeded turf.
  • Riptide responds better to leaner inputs of nutrition and water, reducing maintenance expenses.
  • ICL recommends a general fertilizer program with a yearly amount of nitrogen ranging from 10 to 20 gr/m², phosphorous 5 to 7 gr/m², and potassium 25 to 40 gr/m² As far as micronutrient amounts, this should be checked with tissue tests during the year and again with a soil test in the early spring.
  • Expect germination in 4 - 7 days at minimum soil temperature of 12° C.
  • Keep seedbed moist during germination and establishment.
  • For overseeding, seed at 3 – 5 gr/m², for continuous interseeding greens ( to built bunker bed) seed 0.5- 1.5 gr/m².
  • For permanent turf, seed at 5 - 8 gr/m² during early all or spring.
  • In independent trials by the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, (NTEP), Riptide was given top rankings for both quality of appearance and disease resistance.


    It offers very good resistance to brown patch (Rhizoctonia solani), foliar blight/ basal rot (anthracnose), pink snow mould (fusarium) and take-all-patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis). Riptide grows upright but low to the ground with high tiller shoot density. Ideal for golf course greens, tees and fairways this densely-shooting bentgrass establishes quickly, especially in spring and keeps its bright mid-green colour right through autumn and winter. Riptide (Agrostis stolonifera) is a fine-leaved, creeping bentgrass adapted to European climatic conditions exhibiting great winter performance for colour retention, frost tolerance and disease resistance.

  • High seedling vigour for rapid installation.
  • Top NTEP ranking for overall turf quality.

  • Riptide pro 2.5 keygen